Maps won’t display when zoomed in



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    I have the same problem.

    If I zoom in to a scale less than 16Nm the view of the map disappears.

    The app worked successfully for many years (originally installed on a iPhone 4C).  I am currently using an iPhone SE with OS13.3

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    It’s happening to me I have iPhone 6s on os13.3 how do I get this fixed please

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    Dave Gilbert

    WHERE IS THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION????  Same problem here - I used this for years as a free app and it started doing this so I just paid $9.99 - happy to pay for what I used to have but its the same crap - and no answer from them - I've emailed them. This is smelling like an old fashioned rip off -  have you guys heard of a solution - if not we should collectively go after them!!!

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    Matthew Chircop

    I reached out to the company and they gave me a similar app for free.

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    i have the same problem of Mr.Hudsonrogerb!!!

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    Dave Gilbert

    So I got nowhere with the company. I just deleted it and tried 4 more Apps, have been using them on the water social distancing - I have found iBoating:Nautical/Marine Charts to be outstanding - tracking your route, predicting direction, speed relative to land, even racing buoys are on the map.  I am also using the NOAA:Nautical Maps app -- it it basically the NOAA chart with your position on it, which has some advantages and give the classical feel. No more FlytoMaps!!!!

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